If your answer is not here, please feel free to contact Tom directly at: 951-970-7413.

What is EFT? (Emotional Freedom Technique)?

EFT is one of many new energy psychology therapies that have evolved over the last 25 years.  The Chinese discovered over 3,000 years ago that the meridian system in the body is a network of energy pathways similar to an invisible circulatory system.   When illness, injury, chronic stress, or trauma interrupts the energy flow in the meridian system, it becomes blocked.  Backaches, fatigue, and other ailments start to surface.  The energy system can be un-blocked and healing will result if certain acu-points are stimulated by fingertip tapping while the mind is focused on the memory, problem, stress, trauma, physical pain, etc.. EFT is this blend of cognitive psychology and Chinese acupuncture without the needles.

How Does EFT Work?

EFT is performed by gentle fingertip tapping on acupressure points on the face, hands and trunk while keeping one’s attention on the problem, or if the memory is highly charged, a small aspect of it.  It’s safe, non-invasive, simple, fast, highly effective, portable and private.  The theory behind EFT holds that negative emotional trauma (energy) can become blocked in the body/mind.  Just as when boulders block a stream, when our energy flow is restricted, emotional and/or physical turmoil can result.  EFT tapping releases the blocked emotional charge around phobias, trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, grief, anger, shame, guilt, fear, and virtually any negative emotional state, quickly and painlessly.

I have tried traditional treatments for headaches, rashes, and anxiety, but it only lasts in the short run. Will EFT work in the long run?

Many ailments have an emotional cause.  This is why doctors and medications often do not work in the long run.  They usually just bandage the symptoms with drugs.  For example the pain pills only stop the back pain for a few hours.  Ailments are the body’s signal for you to change what you are thinking or doing.  A more comprehensive approach that addresses the cause can help eliminate your symptoms for good because EFT gets to the root of the problem.

What problems can EFT help?
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Pains in the Body
  • Phobias / Fears
  • Motivational Issues
  • Emotional Trauma
  • Anger, Hurt, Grief, Guilt, Sadness, and other Similar Problems
  • Headaches
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Food Cravings
  • Test Anxiety
  • Weight Problems
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Depression
  • Debilitating Syndromes such as Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
  • Attracting Love and Success into Your Life
  • Enhancing Health
Who has Tom helped in the past?

Tom is EFT Certified. He has successfully worked with individuals for all of the problems listed above.  He also has had success working with Veterans coming home from war as well as rape victims.  People with various problems have sought out Tom after years of not being helped by traditional therapy.

How Do I Get Started?

Simply call or email Tom for a free consultation or to schedule and appointment. (951) 970-7413  Tom is also available to help you by:

  • Personal Phone Sessions
  • Personal Skype Sessions
  • Inner Growth Seminars for Groups
  • DVD’s for Sale: Tapping into Wellness – Energy Medicine for the 21st Century
  • Books for Sale: Quest for the Empowered Self – A 26-Part DVD Series
  • Music for Sale: The Canyons of Life by Tom Ventimiglia